From Desert to Coast: Regional Delights of Traditional Food in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is a land of diverse landscapes. It is not just known for its stunning desert vistas but also for its rich and varied culinary traditions. Traditional food in Saudi Arabia represents the kingdom's distinct regions and the unique ingredients each region has to offer. From the heart of the Arabian Desert to the coastal areas along the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, Saudi cuisine showcases an array of flavors, making it a fascinating journey from the desert to the coast and beyond.

Desert Delights

Saudi cuisine is hearty and designed to sustain in a harsh environment like the arid expanses of the Arabian Desert. Traditional dishes like "mandi" are a desert delight. The dish features tender, slow-cooked lamb or chicken flavored with an assortment of spices and is served on a bed of fragrant rice. The cooking method involves sealing the ingredients in an underground clay oven, allowing them to slow-cook to perfection.


Saudi Arabia's vast deserts have been home to nomadic tribes for centuries. The nomadic lifestyle has greatly influenced the cuisine, giving birth to dishes that can be prepared with minimal resources. Dishes like "jareesh" and "harees," made from crushed and coarsely ground wheat and meat, are staples and create a comforting and filling porridge-like texture. Dates are considered a desert treasure and are a common accompaniment to several meals.


Mountainous Treasures

As you move towards the southern mountains of Saudi Arabia, you will find unique culinary delights. "Al-kabsa" is a highly regarded and beloved dish in the region, featuring spiced rice with tender pieces of chicken or lamb. The dish is known for its bold flavors, often brought forth through the use of saffron, black lime, and bay leaves.


"Al-mutabbaq" is another mountainous treat – a flaky pastry filled with various ingredients like vegetables, meat, or even sweet fillings. It is a delicious snack or meal that is best enjoyed in the cool mountain air.


Coastal Cuisine

The coastal areas of Saudi Arabia, along the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, offer a plethora of seafood. The region's cuisine is a seafood lover's dream. Dishes like "sayadieh" feature perfectly cooked fish or shrimp served on a bed of spiced rice. The spices and herbs used in coastal dishes give them a distinct flavor and set them apart from other regions.


Modern Interpretations

While traditional Saudi cuisine remains true to its origin and is etched in history, chefs and culinary entrepreneurs are reimagining classic dishes to appeal to a wide range of palates. The fusion of old and new ensures that conventional Saudi cuisine continues to evolve and remains relevant in the modern culinary landscape.



Traditional food in Saudi Arabia is a celebration of the nation's rich cultural heritage. Whether you are in the heart of the desert, the mountains, or along the coast, the kingdom's culinary treasures offer a delicious glimpse into its history and traditions.


Ext. Seventeen is an award-winning restaurant in Jeddah, offering a sumptuous blend of traditional Saudi and modern cuisine that is a tapestry of flavors and narrates the story of the nation's rich and varied cultural heritage. 


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